Grading System

Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Grades

Subject to the provisions listed below, a student may request to be graded on a Satisfactory (S) credit basis rather than the A, B, C, D, F, I system:
  1. The decision must be made before the end of the first week of the class and agreed upon by the instructor of the course.
  2. Courses which will be graded only on a satisfactory (S) credit basis will be identified as such in the class schedule.
  3. The (S) credit option may not transfer to some institutions; therefore, students are urged to consult with their advisors prior to registration.
  4. An (S) grade is the equivalent of a “C” or higher. A (U) grade is the equivalent of a “D” or “F” grade.
  5. The grades of “S,” “U,” “I,” “W” and Audit are not calculated into the GPA.

Incomplete Grades

The incomplete “I” grade is a temporary grade issued at the request of the student with the consent of the instructor for reasons beyond the student’s control. To be eligible for requesting and receiving an “I,” a student must have: a) a valid and justifiable reason for requesting the “I,” b) attended more than 60 percent of the class sessions, c) satisfactorily met the course requirements as defined by the instructor, d) completed approximately two-thirds of the course length, e) met with the instructor and completed and signed the necessary forms for the incomplete.
The “I” grade cannot be changed to an audit or withdrawal by the student. If the work for the incomplete is not completed within the time allowed, then the “I” will automatically be changed to an “F.” The “I” must be made by the “date due” agreed to by both the instructor and the student in the written contract. The maximum allowable “date due” is one calendar year from the last day of finals. An extension of time may be granted by the instructor under extraordinary circumstances. 


Learn about withdrawing from a class or the college.

Auditing Courses

Students who want to enroll in a course for informational purposes only may do so by registering for audit. Students may repeat an audited course later for credit by registering for the course and paying tuition and any applicable fees. The tuition and any fees for an audited course are the same as if the course were taken for credit. The decision to audit a course should be made at registration; however, students may elect to change to audit if the following procedure is observed:
  1. For a 15-week course, students may change a course from credit to audit at any time prior to the end of the ninth week of the semester following the standard procedure for a schedule change, as outlined below.
  2. For courses fewer than 15 weeks in length, including summer courses, the deadline for changing is the midpoint of the course.
  3. Students may only change a course from audit to credit after the first class meeting with an instructor’s signature.
Often an audit student is not expected to take examinations, complete writing assignments, or complete other course requirements. However, because of the particular nature of some courses, the instructor may require that an audit student complete writing assignments, term papers, examinations or other course requirements. Any student enrolled in a course for audit should clarify the requirements with the instructor before enrolling or on the first day of class. If there are course requirements that an audit student is unprepared or unwilling to meet, he or she may drop the course immediately subsequent to the first class period and receive a full tuition refund. An audit student who is unwilling to meet the stated course requirements and does not drop the course immediately subsequent to the first class period, may be withdrawn from the class at any time by the instructor for failing to meet stated requirements.

Academic Honors

Students who earn a grade point average of 4.0 in any semester for 12 or more credit hours will be listed on the President’s Honor Roll; those earning a 3.5 for 12 or more credit hours will be listed on the Vice President’s Honor Roll. Part-time students with a grade point average of 4.0 will be listed on the President’s Honor Roll if the students have accumulated at least 12 credit hours. To again be listed or continue on the honor roll, blocks of 12 credit hours must be completed with a GPA of 4.0. The same procedure will be followed for the Vice President’s Honor Roll, with 3.5 as the required grade point average. Students who will receive an associate degree and whose cumulative average is 3.75 or above will be graduated with high distinction, and students whose cumulative average is 3.5 or above will be graduated with distinction.