HR Contacts
Tammy Maas—Executive Director—778.1258
Vacant—Assistant Director—778.1249
Dorothy Moen—Benefits—778.1259
Tara Rood—Recruitment—778.4355
Vacant—Training and Development—778.1685
Vacant—HR Information System Specialist—778.1128
Mindy Layson—HR Support Specialist—778.1289
Benefits Fair Feedback

As the result of the great turnout and request for additional information, we have
scheduled two follow-up sessions with Wyoming Retirement System:
Understanding Retirement Benefits: Taking Charge of your Retirement
- Thursday, Nov. 12, 2015 from 2-3 p.m. in EEC 131
Retirement Strategies: Reaching Your Destination with Pre-Retirement Planning
- Friday, Nov. 13, 2015 from 2-3:30 p.m. in CCI 123
Thanksgiving Campus Closure: Nov. 25-29
Dates to Remember
Open Enrollment:
- Last day to turn in paperwork is Nov. 30
Position Description Workshop (For Supervisors):
- 2-3 p.m., Monday, Nov. 9, HS 106
Sabbatical Applications Due:
Annual Employee Recognition Reception:
What Can The EAP (Employee Assistance Program) Do For Me?
We all experience times when we need a little help managing our personal lives. Experienced
master’s-degreed clinicians will confidentially consult with you over the telephone
and direct you to the solutions and resources you need. You may also receive referrals
to support groups, community resources, a network counselor or your health plan. These
services are available for covered employees, their dependents, including children
to age 26, and all household members. Call 888.293.6948 (TDD 800.327.1833) or visit the Employee Assistance Program website – login ID is standard (all lowercase) and the password is eap4u.
People matter...
“I wanted to take a moment to thank you ladies in our HR department and also Dr. Schaffer
for hosting the health fair this year. It was a great opportunity for me, and I'm
sure other employees benefited from this event as I did. If you would, please extend
my thanks to all the donors who made the prizes possible, especially Dr. Schaffer
for the Fitbit, as that was the great prize I won and I look forward to using it.”
Gratefully, Dan Wells, Journeyman Electrician
Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer
Laramie County Community College is an equal opportunity and affirmative action educational
institution and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin,
sex, age, religion, genetic information, political affiliation, disability, veteran
status or sexual orientation in admission or access to, or treatment or employment
in, its educational programs or activities.
The mission of Laramie County Community College is to transform our students' lives
through the power of inspired learning