Registered Apprenticeships
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HVAC/R and Plumbing
What is a Registered Apprenticeship?
A registered apprenticeship is a training program developed by employers and approved by the Department of Labor to prepare and training their workforce. Individuals who are participating in a registered apprenticeship are paid employees of their employer sponsor and participate in progressive on-the-job training (during their normal work day), classroom instruction (completed after hours), gain nationally recognized credentials and receive progressive wage increases as they move through the Registered Apprenticeships.
Learn more about registered apprenticeships
What to expect as an apprentice:
- To complete necessary paperwork with the Department of Labor setting you up as a registered apprentice (done through your employer).
- Not all apprenticeships are Registered Apprenticeships. Programs not registered with the Department of Labor may not include any of the above and not be portable if you change employers.
- Your training record is 100% portable and yours to keep.
- To work full time with your sponsor employer.
- Many registered apprenticeship programs in Wyoming are no cost to the apprentice.
- Apprentices earn progressive wages each year they complete the Registered Apprenticeship.
- Apprentices have structured On-the-Job learning/mentorship to provide training for a successful career.
Sponsor Employers:
- Advanced Comfort Solutions
- AC Mechanical
- Climate Control: To apply stop into Climate Control at 1411 E. Allison Rd. Cheyenne, WY 82007 | Phone: 307.632.2811
Career Information
Meet Our Instructors:
Alec Verplancke
Dave Smith
Levi Wann
Kyle Jobes
John Zuver
Randy Schein
Stephen Shaw
Andy Arias