LCCC Foundation Annual Giving Campaign

LCCC Foundation 12 Days of Giving graphic with snowflakes


Thank you for supporting Laramie County Community College through your generous gifts.


We invite you to support LCCC during our 2023 “12 Days of Giving” campaign, beginning on Tuesday, Nov. 28. The kickoff will be held in conjunction with Giving Tuesday, a global movement that encourages generosity and works to transform communities. During these 12 days, we ask that you think about why LCCC is important to you and how our students will continue to benefit from your support. Our goal for 2023 is to raise $75,000 in scholarship support during this campaign. You can choose a number of ways to give, each with its own importance to the students of LCCC.

To make a gift online, please select the designated fund or select “other” in the drop down menu to type in the scholarship/program you would like to contribute to. If you have any questions, please contact the LCCC Foundation at 307.778.1285 or


Make a Gift button



The LCCC Foundation has more than 460 donor-named scholarships available within all our Pathways, benefiting programs and all student demographics. Your gift to an existing scholarship will help grow the endowment and provide additional scholarship funds for years to come.

Guided Pathways is designed to improve every aspect of a student’s educational experience through Exploration, Clarity, Community and Transformative Education. Gifts made to a Pathway Endowment can provide scholarship support, program growth through recruitment, essential student experiences, emergency student funds and funding for innovative programs, ideas and technology not covered by the general budget.

The Excellence Fund exists to provide the Foundation the flexibility to direct funds to the area of the greatest need. Whether that is scholarships, program needs or equipment, the versatility of the fund allows it to be directed towards the area it is needed most.




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Matching Funds

Double Your Impact with a Matching Gift

$2,000 in matching funds are still available for gifts made to an existing schoalrship fund. Matching dollars will be available up to $1,000 per donor until they are gone.

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Louise Cole Memorial Challenge Match for PEO Chapter Z

$10,000 in Match Available

Our first Challenge Match of the "12 Days of Giving". The Louise Cole Memorial Challenge Match will match dollar for dollar all gifts made up to $10,000 to any of the PEO Chapter Z Scholarships at LCCC. The PEO Chapter Z Scholarships include:

  • Floreine E. Clark Memorial Scholarship
  • John E. Von Kennel/Shirley Garrett-Robinson Memorial Scholarship
  • Helen K. Maier Memorial Scholarship
  • Kay and Jerry Jessen Family Scholarship

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Music Monday Match

$7,000 in Match Available for Music Scholarships

Our #Music Monday Match is now live. Make a gift to the LCCC Music Scholarship and your gift will be matched dollar for dollar up to $1,000 per donor.